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The facade is that outer part of it, which is the first to be seen by everyone who comes to visit you. The impression that the owners of the house will make on the guests largely depends on how it looks. From the facade, one can judge the status, material well-being and artistic taste of those who live behind it. In addition, it has its own functional tasks. It is desirable that the design of the exterior decoration of the house is in harmony with the surrounding landscape and matches the style of the interior decoration. At the same time, it protected the walls and ceilings of the building from external influences.

In modern times, the use of light, but still strong and reliable materials, allows you to reproduce the facades of houses without making them too heavy and overloaded. It is also possible to connect structures made of specially treated polystyrene and polyurethane. But at the same time, they look just as delightful as the generally accepted structures made of natural materials. The finished facade retains its original appearance for a long time, because polyurethane perfectly tolerates bad weather conditions, such as dampness, temperature changes, large amounts of snow and other loads. But the price for them is much less. Classical facades of houses are acceptable for residential and non-residential buildings. Such buildings harmoniously fit into the architectural design of the city, attract attention and delight the eye.
That is why it is so important to take the issue seriously and think over the design of the facades of houses and cottages very carefully. Do not forget that you and your family will also have to look at it every day. And if the boring wallpaper in the living room can simply be re-glued, then with the renewal of the facade everything is much more troublesome and more difficult.