Acrylic paint “Euro-Paint” water-dispersion for facade work is intended for painting plastered brick, concrete, wood and other porous surfaces, primed wall and ceiling surfaces.
The paint is used for interior finishing works, including those with high humidity, such as kitchen, bathroom, toilets. The paint is water-soluble, does not contain harmful solvents, is well absorbed, has a slight odor.
Due to environmental safety and good permeability, it is recommended for wide use in children’s institutions, hospitals, catering establishments.
How to use: Before use, the paint should be thoroughly mixed. The surface to be painted must be dry and clean. To ensure better fixing and reduce paint consumption, pre-treatment with a primer impregnation is recommended. When working on new plaster, you should wait 2-3 weeks until the plastered surface is completely dry.
The paint should be pre-diluted with water to obtain a working viscosity. The paint is applied with a brush, roller, paint sprayer in two layers with an intermediate drying of 3 hours. The air temperature and the surface to be painted must be at least 18°C and air humidity 55% – 1 hour, complete drying 3 hours. If the temperature is below 15c. it is allowed to increase the drying time until it is completely dry.
Perhaps tinting with water pigment pastes.
Storage conditions: Store in a tightly closed container at a temperature above +5 C.
Precautions: The paint is fire and explosion proof. Do not mix with other paints and thinners. After painting work, wash the tools, containers, paint stains with warm water and soap.
Paint consumption: With a single-layer application, depending on the type and absorbent properties of the surface to be painted, it is: 100-150d
Date of manufacture and batch number are indicated on the lid. Warranty period of storage is 12 months.